Our Story

About us

Breeizzy.com is the creative playground of two amazing sisters, Bree and Izzy! Imagine a place where every day is a new adventure in the world of imagination and fun – that’s what these sisters have created.

Bree’s Story

Brielle is a super talented writer and an artist. She has this amazing skill of weaving stories that take you to magical places and exciting adventures. It’s like she’s got a magic wand in the form of a pen! Her stories aren’t just words on a page; they’re journeys into fascinating worlds. And guess what? She draws too! Her drawings are like windows into her imagination, full of colors and life.

Izzy’s Story

She’s the musical star and the laughter queen of the family. Her songs can make you tap your feet and sing along, and her jokes? Oh, they’re the best! She can make you laugh even on a gloomy day. Isabelle believes that music and laughter make the world a brighter place, and she’s right!