Babysitter Kids part 3

We read the map and it lead us on the far side of the forest, away from the Celeb news and the thing is we ventured around the forest without the Landgoers. We ran and jumped with a little too much sprint that we all fell into dust and continued to run and walk and also skip until we finally found our destination at a club?? Rachel said “Did we just discover a new club guys?!?” the club had paintings all over it and it looked ruined. Brian and Mia said “You guys we just found the old version. It says it on the map. We need to travel to the left for five minutes straight till the timer goes out.”. We all looked at the timer that we set to five minutes. Peachy grabbed it and ran and so did we. We got a little tired and we sat down once the timer went out. We all stared at the timer and saw that an art room fell upon us and 7 girls wearing black outfits were running around the dark room. As they jumped and ran across the room, their names popped up as they crossed their names which was Sasha Micomi, Michelle Ramblers, Coloni Harp, Sui-Lian Lee, Flores Dijechiafo, Avery Turintos, and Gaby Achen. They looked like they wanted to warn us about something but I didn’t know what and I was desperate to know. They turned on the light and they were all standing in a line in front of us and Sui-Lian said “Um, hello. WE are warning you that the Celeb news is coming back to take you down and we want to help with our paintings.” Michelle said to us “These are just our spy outfits with the black hoodie, black skirt, black ballet shoes too.” and Sasha said “We are known as the spy club, art club, and dance club.”. We all nodded are heads and Hellen was shivering when she said “the Celeb news is coming back. AGAIN. But I,I,I just was feeling relieved!?!”

The art club led us to the back of the forest, which was a beautiful area, full of animals big and small. Avery said “this is our club in the middle of nowhere but is a somewhere for us.” Flores said “ the Celeb news is going to make it seem like it was you guys wo broke down the forest because they want your business to go down which makes them go up!” Coloni told us “They are the ones who messed up the beautiful forest P.s. our other name we go by is the nature club.” Angelica said “Wow so we-”. She got interrupted by the Celeb news who was behind her and Pariana said “Oh, look the Babysitting club and the Bad Bunnies, we hit the target. Look at that a dog too, we’ll put him on our column with you guys. Luca held up the camera and said “Cheese balls!!” They left and we knew we had to do something. Peachy noticed that the art club was a spy club too, I think, because he asked them “Can you guys go to their club and distract so me and Oliver can deliver.” Sasha and Michelle said “You bet your butt off we can!!”. They left with Peachy and Oliver and returned 15 minutes flat. They got the photo and the footage. But they had left the two main pictures with them and we knew that printer takes forever so they have one week because they had to process and print the photo and edit it if they wanted us to be in big trouble. The local printer waits for two weeks which is better(of course). When we went to our usual club we realized that the power was out. Isabelle and Brielle said “Maybe we should ask the tech club maybe they have something to do with this??”

The tech club was at the station and we saw Bismarck Bleenter, Han Buffs, Tony Enfria, Noreen Lichee, Lila Glitter, and Liam Struts (Lilyees Brother). They were having a panic-attack and Liam rushed us over and screamed “Look. this is what’s happening.” Lila said “We are the city’s power source and now the Celeb news has put a giant frisbee in the power sources guts and now the source is damaged!!” Bismarck said “WE NEED HELP NOW!!” Just then 6 masked kids came in from the ceiling and their fashion was supreme. I thought it was the spy club again but they wouldn’t have that much swag. Kid #1 asked “Do you guys have giant clippers, by any chance??” Han pointed to the gadget room. Kid #5 asked “By any chance do you have metal scrapes??” Tony pointed to the mending room. Kid #3 asked “ Not to bother, but do you have a screwdriver in this place??” Noreen pointed to the mending room. Kid #4 asked “I’m just getting to know this place but where are the nails anyway??” Liam pointed to the nail room. Kid #2 and Kid #6 asked “I’m going to be a minutes but do you have any wires??” Lila and Bismarck both pointed to the wiring room. In 15 minutes the masked kids were finished with the power source, they turned it on, then left. Lilyee read the map that they left leading to that mysterious clubhouse in the backyard of someone’s house!!

In that backyard, we saw the same kids we saw yesterday. Their names were Sharrel Giga, Snowy Korchince, Alex Amirez, Roly Dorfia, Eli Mogy, and Margret Stevenson. Sharrel said “Well it seems like you caught us from yesterday!!” she did a giggle which meant she was going to say something else and she said “But you can tell that we took a simular model from the spy club but we knew you needed help, because we sense stuff but they need you to call!!” Alex said “we are the fashion club, we save people and do fashion!! We saved you guys from devistacion and also tech club would have been shut down if it weren’t for us!!” I realized that they were there when the Langoers got the prize money and they were the ones who brought Archie and Crystee over and they got Royal lost on the streets so I could think he was a stray and take him home and they are the sacred book keepers and they were the ones who put the sacred books in one of Ali’s box so we could think he was the keeper and not think it was them and they were the ones who reminded the Celeb news about us so we can join our teams but they did to a sorta oopsie because now the Celeb news is torturing every other club. Peachy said “Thanks, because for, I don’t know, everything because  we would be more focused our minds on babysitting if it weren’t for you guys!”. We all got a shock and me and Scarlet said “We forgot our babysitting dutys since we were so caught up with the other clubs because clues were leading us everywhere!!” Peachy and everyone shrugged because on the cash app we all downloaded we were making a thousand dollars a day without even noticing. But still we have to get back to that though!!

Once we went back to normal, Rachel was back at the Chens house every night, Mya and I were at Baby Breakdown, Mia and Brian were back to the errands. But everyone knew there was something missing. We loved when we met new clubs and battled the Celeb news because when were in danger it’s the most best part of the day. I ran to the club today and everyone looked gloomy when I came in. I screamed out “You guys we don’t have to babysit kids all the time. Just look at all the kids we’ve met on adventures. We should go out and explore!!” everyone looked like they needed to hear this and they jumped up and down as we left the clubhouse and went off to the forest where adventure awaits us. Well your going to have to wait till the next book because I am kind of running out of paper here but all I know is that the next book will have less kids and more adventure and a little bit of a cooking contest!!

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