Kat’s big move

    Kat has always loved science, but he never knew he would love it SO much that he would take place in a science testing competition. It was just a nice morning until the envelope came. Citty said once the envelope came “Kat an engineer envelope came in the mail!!!” Kat rushed out of his room, across the hall, into the large front porch, along the front yard, into the hideout bushes and to the mailbox. Kat said out of breath “I came from my room for an envelope!?!” Citty said “It’s your winning envelope.” Kat said “Oh, give me that. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend and join one and you pick your own tester!!”. Citty said adorably “ Well, I guess you need an apprentice or someone who can, I don’t know, help you??” Kat replies “Ok, but you’ll get hurt pretty bad. Are you up to the challenge??”. Citty gave him a nod and they headed down to the convention to see they’re booth. 2 days later. Citty said “ I think I fractured my funny bone!!” but Kat kept on repeating “ We are already in second place. You can recover later.” and she always listens to him. After two weeks Citty is tired of Kat saying that she will be fine and she’ll get better after the next round and soon enough she was getting annoyed about it. She approached Kat and screamed “I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE SCIENCE COMPETITION, I’M QUITTING!!”. She stormed out of the room and walked home. Now Kat was by himself. 3 day later. Although he won 1st place he still looked saggy when he came home with the gold. Kat said “I’m really sorry Citty will you forgive me??” Citty said “No, unless you do everything on my dangerous to do list with me but just a reminder your doing the deadliest ones!!” Kat said “Wait, I didn’t agree to this!!”. She gave him a look and Kat said “Ok fine what’s on the list??” she smiled at him and he smiled at her. But she gave him a twist. Citty said “Oh, one of them will be falling out of a tree!!” Kat shrieked “This is why I DON’T say ‘will you forgive me’ to my sister!!”. In my point of view, poor guy to Kat and fellow genius to Citty!!

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