What about us pets?!?

All us pets know the story, your beloved owner betrays you for school but have you heard the schools have bring your pet to class. So today all the kids in Dananori Road Elementary are bringing pets to school and i HOPE the the pets don’t ruin my presentation. Oh here it goes. “ Hi I’m Edwin and this is my cat Twilight”!!  “Remember Your steps”. Twilight goes out dancing the flamenco everyone claps, Twilight beams and reminds herself this is going swell!  Till Mr. Mess Up comes and slaps Twilight and the Music ends.  “Sorry my dog Fluff can’t control his arm” said Andy “That’s ok” Edwin responded.  After Twilight recovered, Fluff gave her a lick and said “ sorry I just got excited”.  “Me too” said Twilight as she got up from the bare floor.  As they walked to the cages Twilight said “I’d rather be at home, this school is giving me the chills”. “ I know” Said Fluff.

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