Babysitter Kids part 1

I, Lily-Ann, yes that is my name the narrator of this story. I will tell you my experience in my club (The babysitters club) when we make new friends, battle with clubs and get a puppy!?!?! Now I don’t want to hold you up on reading this story. I just want to make sure you have a hint about the story and P.S not giving you the spoiler of the story!! Well of you go on my not-so-crazy but very-much-so-crazy story!! I was at the club this morning. I saw my friends Brian Rodrick, the fast kid, Scarlet Reace, Rachel and Hellen Trill are the babysitters along with Jordan Trill, Oliver Mixir, Brielle and Isabelle Estimable and me ,Lily-Ann Croset. we all are raising money for a new clubhouse!! But as we babysit kids we are battling the baby bunnies, another very successful babysitting club, the kids are named River Screamson, Alexander frost, Rassberry Ild, Peachy Ross, Mya Rean, Lilyee Struts, Mia Borfys, Clyde Myers, and Angelica Angel. They have been stealing all the cute little kids in the neighborhood even though Rachel has been the most easygoing she literally screamed out and pointed at Peachy Ross going in the Chens house to babysit Kevin and Amy Chen. She said “ OMG!!! Why is that peach going to my most favorite house ever.” I think he heard her because he asked for an over amount of money because he said  “my crew is the most professional” then he gave her a smug grin when he went inside. Then we all glared at each other when Rachel fell on the rocky floor. In a few minutes  we heard a yell from Brian saying hot burritos but he said hot documents Instead!!  Then my BFF Scarlet said to Brian “ why aren’t there a lot of my flyers Brian!!” Brian explained to us that the kids from the Baby Bunnies told his dad to print out some flyers they used from Angelica and Mya with Lilyee and used up most of the paper so we only have a few for our half of our block not the rest of the neighborhood. We all gave a sigh as our leader, Oliver yelled at all of us to work harder and that our artist has to work harder too. Then we saw a head stick out of the bush  and we saw Mia Borfys, Brian’s cousin who is the baby bunnies errand girl because she is very fast and she attends the Saturday evening Brian fast course. We saw her come closer to the baby breakdown ( a kid place) and knock on the door and I went mad and said “ I’m the only one who tame the wrath of those crazy kids!!” when I was about to puff up and show that girl who’s boss and she messed with the wrong babysitter. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard Scarlet say “ girl it is not professional to show the neighborhood your fiery, sparky self your going to make business go down and the baby- wait wrong word, the bad bunnies win.”  “ weren’t you the one who wanted a bigger and newer club house” Brielle said “And weren’t  you the one who wanted to make a bond with the community” said Hellen who rarely talks. “ okay let’s stop all the mushiness before i start crying” yelled out  Jordan. We all rolled our eyes because last time he said he’ll flood the place when he just made a puddle. We were having a great time when we bumped into the Baby- wait said the wrong word again, the bad bunnies leader Alexander Frost with the crew behind him and a waving Mia to Brian. He said “ I propose a contest” he said  with a sly grin as he continued he said “ the most money raised by a group will be the best babysitting club ever but the losing team will give the winning team one of their crewmates and the winning team chooses who they will get for a week.” he pulled Oliver and i studied their conversation as Oliver started using his hands to talk and then walking to us. We all walked away to our private treehouse when Alexander told river we have to win this, schedule an all nighter for the team!! he said with an evil laugh.

I was walking around our treehouse when our brainstormer and babysitter Isabelle blurted out “I got it!!” “You got what” said Oliver who was eager to win this babysitter competition and also get this over with. “The best mentor because Alexander said on the text message that we have to have a team mentor and Cassandra Estrella is the world’s best babysitter.” she said. “ and you can book her right before the Bab- wait stuttered again, the bad bunnies book her.” I said. “ BOOKED” said Scarlet. “HEY” said Isabelle. Cassandra came inside with a bright glow and said you ready to crush those bad bunnies. We all glared at her and Scarlet drooled because her fashion was top level. In two weeks we raised $32,000 with the help of Cassandra Estrella. The other team couldn’t find a mentor because all the mentors were off working. Then the competition ended on the last day of July. Alexander and his team had $45,000 of babysitting kids. He gave a smug grin and said “ you guys will better have to hand over you top crewmate who’s bringing in the money.” I did my little evil snort and said as Vice Leader “ you won’t grin anymore once we show how much money we earned” I snorted again and River Screamson rolled his eyes like we couldn’t do anything better. Then Cassandra said “ Bring down the curtain!!” It showed $87,000 of babysitting kids. Oliver said “ Maybe you should hand someone over.” he laughed feeling relieved I could tell. We saw that Rassberry came up to us and said “ We lost but you losers will hand your top crewmate over instead of us!!” Then Cassandra told Rassberry “to get it over with because clearly they were $40,000 behind.” Never in a million years would Rassberry back out but this year she did looking scared and nervous like she was about to pee in her pants. Hellen and Isabelle said “ You don’t have to turn in one of your crewmates we just won and that’s that” and they stopped talking after that and then we all did our evil actions while Cassandra left in her limousine. We all left to the store and bought our new clubhouse and donated money to local children places. But since we loved babysitting we continued to babysit but as school approached we had to switch our schedule for the last day of summer. When the bus came to our neighborhood, the first thing i noticed that the bus was in class organization, that means kids in the same class go on the same bus. But all the kids in the babysitters club were all in the same class even the bad bunnies were there too.

The first day of school was very chill. The great thing was that Miss. Toroni (the teacher that my brother had when he was my age) let us choose our seats. The tables were put in nine the exact same number as our club. We saw the bad bunnies got all comfy even Alexander brought his box of toothpicks that he puts in his mouth!! Miss.Toroni said “ you have come from your break in the summer. Now i will want you guys to give me a fully writed essay with punctuations and writed it very good and nice. Begin!!” Jordan nudged me and ruined my writing when the teacher said that we have to “writed” it well. “What” I said. “ do you think she speaks broken English??” he said. “Yes she literally said it 10 minutes ago” said Brielle. We all worked in silence till the bell for switching classes and next we had science. The science teacher put us in pairs and I was pairs with scarlet. We could tell that a lot of experiments were performed in here. Mr. Krakerty said “we have to tell our story from doing an experiment. But if you have a group of friends that you shared it with work together.” Almost everyone worked together. Our groups summer looked similar to the bad bunnies summer. Mr. Kraketry said “ jumping zebras!! What mess are we in now yours looks exactly like the others!!” Raspberry started her Rasseling with Mr.Kraketry and said “ Boy, we had a meet up in our neighborhood aren’t you “good” at science.” The bell rang for lunch we sat at a table and studied the map that Scarlet made during Reading. We saw Alexander with his collar up and thinking he was cool when he walked to his table and slipped on one of the banana peels I put by the table we set them up to with a little help from Mia borfys who waved at us. We all went to a bunch of boring old classes that lasted on eternity. But when recess came so did the bus. But me and the gang started walking home well not exactly. We each go to a different house every day and babysit kids after school. But if no one booked us or called us or even emailed us we just go home or help someone else with the babysitting. I would call myself an expert babysitter because I am being babysat by my big brother Archie and babysitting my little sister Crystee.  I was so caught up in the moment of babysitting that I didn’t realize that fall break was coming. The babysitters club was approaching the fall break.

The day school came out Rachel came running to the clubhouse thinking she was late but I said “ your only five minutes late. Jordan and Hellen told me that you finished all of your homework in an all nighter.” “ no, not that, the Chens” she said. “ what’s wrong with the Chens” asked Oliver.  “ the Chens are having a birthday bash for Amy because her birthday is this week. And we are hosting it!!” screamed Rachel as we took her to her dad. He said “ yep, she’s hyper. Try giving her milk or a pencil in her hand.”  We trusted him since he was a paramedic. Then the whole crew went to the Chens house and Rachel hugged Amy and Fist-bumped Kevin. Amy screeched in a cute way saying “ Have you come here for my birthday party!!! But it hasn’t started yet!!” Mrs. Chen said very fast “They are here for your party preparations. I mean they are here to HELP with your party preparations.” We all helped but there wasn’t much to do because Brian was doing most of the work. I also overheard Scarlet upstairs complaining about how Amy’s fabric was trash and she’ll pull out her own fabric and Rachel saying be nice to the B-day girl and I heard Brielle say that she can pick out her own fabric Scar. Then I felt a light nudge on my so focused shoulder and said what harshly to Kevin who said “the others really need your help.” After I basically just used my cooking skills to cook the food and Brian said “ Lilly-Ann can you make me a blueberry chicken strip pineapple anchovy and Dorito pie!!??!!” “no way José Brian. One it’s gross, two it is too complicated and three I wouldn’t waste time on that recipe” I snorted. We started the party an hour later and they danced but we typed for our site. They ate food we chatted. Then they played we ate. Then they left we cleaned and got some money. We raised some more money for the club. In the newspaper called the Celeb club, who gave us a paper and said in a mysterious voice “ you’ll love the review” he said running fast. Leaving Brian speechless.

The day the Celeb news reported the review about us, Becky came from the Sun news and squeezed Scarlet because they both are part of the art class in Rocketry Middle school because they are both the illustrators in their clubs. She said “ I tried to warn you after school but I was finishing up a test” she took a really deep breath and I could feel it on my legs that wasn’t covered because of my short jeans, She continued “ the celeb news is spreading fake news about you and the bad bunnies and you guys have to team up with them to save your club-” I stopped her and interrupted and said “ wait, us with the Bad Bunnies, you must not be serious, who said that.” “ oh, our researcher, Genesis Terior found a solution for all your problems.”  Then she ran off throwing five of their fake news for us to show the Bad Bunnies-wait I finally said it right-back to the topic. The Bunnies are on the other side of the lawn, so we climb over the fence and land in Mya Reans backyard. We can hear them talking about babysitting and school. We came out of nowhere and Alexander summoned Rassberry to Rassle us but instead we told them about the Celeb news is trying to take us down. Clyde said “ what but no one dared to take us down.” Mya whined “ why now, why when both of our businesses are booming and now they want us to sink like a boat??” “ Exactly” said Isabelle to Mya and they both nodded their heads in agreement. River said “we should team up with them to make us not get destroyed and be gone forever??” Alexander yelped when he read a column of the news “ We do not make noise, Both of us are extremely quiet when we babysit.” Lilyee, who watches one too many action movies said “ now Oliver and Alexander please shake hands to reunite our teams.” Then later we all came to the Celeb news clubhouse and we dressed up in dark clothes and marks on our face like we are ready to battle. Oh, did I tell you who is in the Celeb News well here they are Pariana paris, Candy donut, Justin Oril, Nina and Ronald Beat, Puffy Freosta, and Mariana and Luca Literdi. They were ready to write a new article when they saw us and looked unimpressed with how we looked. Puffy said “ wow, just wow your ruining your business and scaring kids.” at that same time Rivers mom who is a journalist came and literally said some boring thing saying that news isn’t supposed to be fake and that they are banned from making any fake news and only fake news during April fools. Then the fancy girls started pouring out tears and when his mom left they ran to the woods and Pariana had dark brown mascara down her face and her hair out of a bun and said “ we’ll get you back and it might not be now but we’ll find out a come back and unite the news crews to one team the rainbow news and we’ll be back.” 

One day before school went out every kid dreamed for it to snow in Florida and that did happen. The first time in history it snowed in Florida. During social studies with Mrs. Ducy, she asked us why it was snowing outside. I beat Alexander right before he raised his hand and she called on me and I responded “ the answer” I said to brag to Alexander and the teacher didn’t catch me so I continued and said “ the axis of the earth tilted the wrong way and made the seasons change and allowing hotter areas to be colder and colder areas to be hotter and the result is snow in florida and making all kids dreams come true.” Then I took a deep breath and sat right by Jordan and Mrs. Ducy with her eyes all up said “ correct, but you didn’t have to add the dream part but it was impressive anyways, um class dismissed.” she finished. We left the class skipping and Rachel said “ I can start a sled ride or a rocket to the snow moon or another moon one or probably a punch the snowman!!” “ Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves the snow might be fun to think of but I heard there are storms and big letdowns in areas, so just invite older kids and right before any letdown keep kids inside.” said Simone, since she was paranoid. A few days later, Rachel somehow invited all the kids on the block because they were VERY interested in the fact that one, it was snowing and two, they wanted to experience a letdown. At the time it was windy and it started hailing half of the kids in grades kindergarten through second grade left because they almost flew off into the wind. Half an hour later third grade and fourth grade left, only leaving fifth and sixth grade. We played till 4:00 in the evening. I started to complain with Beyoncé and saying “ the snow is getting higher.” and Beyoncé said “ In social studies, you said the earth axis tilted, do you think it’s tilting more leaving us with the cold Iceland area??”. Jordan said “ yeah I think your right the Axis is tilting us!!” and I watched him fly in the blue sky. Alexander pointed to the sky and said “ Hey guys, the sky is getting very dark and shutting everything in its path. I think that’s how Jordan flew of on top of the Willing’s house!!” Wengie Frost, from the bright news said to her Bro“ Obvi, Alexander that we’re all going to get crushed and when it comes harder we’ll all be on the floor and everyone will ask where we all are.” I guess while Wengie was talking the fifth graders snuck off because I saw this one kid with a yellow belt and he ran of to his house. The sky was looking very dark like a storm was coming and it was only 6:00 in the afternoon. Lou Freedman yelped for so much help when a giant snow cloud came towards us and we all were buried underneath snow, only one person survived and it was Beyoncé standing with her hair in the air and singing harmonically and Scarlet said “Really Beyoncé!!” “SHH, I’m being serious Scarlet.” Beyoncé said and Scarlet rolling her eyes. We heard a truck come and clear up the snow. The guy probably didn’t know there were kids in there, so most of us had to escape the trucks snow blazer. Then we saw a mysterious kid running off with River Screamsom to his house.

At the end of yesterday, we saw a mysterious boy going with River to his house. We went to the Bad Bunnies hideout and Lilyee said “ What do you want  babysitters club were busy trying to figure out where in the world is River and how we can find someone else to be our other babysitter!?!?” “ That’s what we came here for, River went home yesterday with a mysterious boy so we came here to ask you guys about River like did you see strange stuff in one of the rooms in his house because the kid looked like a year older than him.” Hellen said and she went back to being quiet. I looked at her strange and Isabelle started talking “ Well, we were hoping we could investigate this.” Clyde responded “ Yeah,  BUT we could ask the bright news, just their investigators like Amy Sholar  and Wengie Frost-.” “ Hold up, MY SISTER got promoted to an investigator???” said Alexander. A few minutes later Amy  and Wengie came.  Alexander and Wengie exchanged looks and Amy looked at a sheet of paper and said in serious voice “ I think we should start asking some questions to victims that saw him with that mysterious boy, well I guess we should skip that because we were actually spying on you so we have the victim part and now we should investigate his house to see anything extra in there.” Wengie said “ Why are you so honest!?!?” Amy shrugged and Wengie went back to her normal ,sly self. We followed her to his house even though we all knew where he lives. We told his Mom we are here to investigate she said he’s out at the amusement park. Wengie said “ Very suspicious, did he go by himself or with someone else.” Mrs. Screamson said “ someone else, why?” “Hey guys, what about this room.” I said. Wengie responded” Oh, yeah it does have a weird and suspicious smell.” “ Then lets just go inside!!” Alexander said annoyed at the fact that his sister was acting so fancy like a real investigator. We opened the door and saw the empty room with a bunch of teenage stuff. Isabelle asked “When was River into rock bands and weird magazines and photos??” Amy and Angelica with Scarlet interviewed Mrs. Screamson. Scarlet asked “ Why does that room smell like Archy, which is a teenager smell??” “Well, it IS a teen room.” Mrs.Screamson said.  Amy asked “ Is there a teen living in this house besides River?” Mrs. Screamson said “yeah”. We gasped and Angelica said “So who is this mysterious kid, huh??” She responded “Yes, it’s Rivers big brother, Ali. Didn’t he tell you??” Amy looked at her journal and wrote “The Mystery Boy Was His Brother!!” When  River came home we told him he had a lot to share.

When we pulled River over he said “My brother just came back from the most precious, beautiful, magnificent, amazing, but you get what I mean. Then he came back and we had to remodel his room because we used it as storage when he left. So i’m really sorry I-”. He got interrupted by Mya and we all looked at her like really you’re basically ruining the mood. She said “ I was helping your mom with the unpacking and I found that your brother kept the sacred book!!” she read it and it said “ THE HISTORY OF THE BABYSITTERS CLUB AND THE BABY BUNNIES.” “WOW, I mean WOW.” said Jordan. “ Wait, I read this before, two clubs that reunite has a leader that takes care of your clubs. If he has the book, that means he is the sacred leader all along!!”said Wengie. I was going to say what, that makes absolute nonsense but instead I said “ Great, but how do we really know that he is the “ONE AND ONLY” sacred leader and how do we not know it’s someone else and besides, remember we have to keep an eye out for the celeb news. They can strike any second and they might even strike now!!”. I heard Amy scratching her pen on her news book. Mya and Scarlet said “ Come on we can just read our history. Really are you guys scared of just a book of history??!!” we all didn’t want to act like babies so we just read it. The book said “ It was a night when Lily-Ann Croset was looking out her window with her hair waving in the autumn sky. She woke up the next morning and went to her neighborhood and walked down the street with her head down and she bumped into Scarlet Reace. They talked and played and while they played they noticed triplets walking with their mother who looked like a beautiful model. They walked up to the kids, their mom said they can play for a while. The parents of Lily-Ann and Scarlet talked with the three kids parent. The three kids were named Jordan, Hellen, and Rachel Trill. They were babysitting pets since they were too young to babysit kids they heard a crash from a branch and saw two kids arguing. The kid who was running fast was named Brian Rodrick and The kid under the branch was named Oliver Mixir. They helped the kid under the branch and started making the petsit business stronger. They saw a treehouse with two twins named Brielle and Isabelle Estimable. Then they’re team was complete. A kid in the corner named Alexander Frost with his friend River Screamson were watching the pet sitting club grow and wanted to pet sit too. He was thinking of something to plan then he crashed into two girls named Rassberry Ild and Angelica Angel. He asked them if they wanted to compete with that pet club and if they join the’ll get all the money they earned to themselves the 6 year old said. The girls nodded in agreement and they found two other kids who might be interested in pet sitting and their names are Peachy Ross and Mya Rean. Alexander was shocked that Rassberry found the president’s daughter. They came to their club the next day and found two new kids in there before him their names were Lilyee Struts and Mia Borfys. The clubs went from pets to kids now they are competing against each other but now they are teaming up together…” We all sat in silence as there were still blank pages. Peachy said “ Wow, so now we don’t know who the sacred leader is and now we know they have been spying on us since we were six and it all started when Lily-Ann was looking out her window majestically??” “Yeah, that is very strange, and I thought I was all alone that night and my fish!!” We all heard a scratch from Amy’s pen and we all looked at her and Alexander said “ Ok, write quietly or I’ll, I’ll throw your pencil outside!!”. We all looked at him strange then we heard a knock on the door.

When we heard  the knock on the door we all looked at River and he said “ All right, all right I’ll open the door!!”. He opened the door and saw Cupcake standing there all creepy and saying “we told you we’d come back now let’s take you down!!” she said while allowing the others to come in. Rivers mom said in Spanish “¡River ven y pide tu arroz con pollo con tu jugo de manzana favorito!! ¡Um, River son estos tus amigos con disfraces espeluznantes!!”. River responded in English “Um, no mom those are they’re the celeb news and they’re trying to take us down terribly!” and his mom said “Ok,ahora vete a la bondad.” When they ran out of Rivers house they chased us into the woods and trapped us in a booby trap net that swung us in the air and I was in a net with Alexander. Pariana was the creepiest one there. When they took of their hoodies and I heard Jordan mumble “ they look like scouts from my Wars Time Now movie.” We all stared at them in wonder and Wengie asked “ When are you going to um, unite the news crews to one team called the Rainbow news Pariana ??” Pariana blushed and said “ It did not work they were too busy besides we can take care of you!!” we knew she wasn’t correct and the news crews always have one or two people at the club. We stayed in the nets for a night. We were in the middle of the forest so I warned everyone to stay alert. When the morning came me and Alexander were the only ones awake since I bugged him to keep a lookout. We saw a kid that looked like Archie and he was with Crystee. They had scissors in their hands and they lowered the ropes that trapped us. We ran off and my brother rode his very electric hoverboard that converted into a handle for him to ride with. I asked Hellen “where are you going Hellen??” and just like that her eyes darkened and she hissed and disappeared in the mist.

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