Anderson Andy the detective of THE COOKIES

It all began in the house of Anderson Andy h-. Well Andy was interrupted by his twin Hailey, who came in snorting and said you call that narrating I call that bragging”. Then he began narrating again. Anderson Andy was being interrupted by his sidekick, Hailey. But as soon as he said that she said “there is absolutely no way to-” “ I have cream pies for you if you come along” he said. Of course she would come with me, she loves cream pies. But enough of that there’s a cookie their stealing Granny’s cookies. “What should we do” cried his partner. “ Hold it” he said while looking at his parents shirts. “ hey they have cookie crumbs on their shirts” she said as she pointed to them. Yes, indeed they did. But after narrating Hailey jumped at them and said “ explain yourselves” she said harshly. The parents were full of cookies in their mouths then I Anderson Andy came in this argument. “ You ate the cookies because it’s super obvious” he said yelling. Their parents hanged their heads because of taking and eating cookies Granny made. Another win for Anderson Andy the best detective!!

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