Angels comeback

Angel totally disliked when Chris stepped on her fancy shmancy dolly. Even though they are acting friendly now she still dislikes when he steps all over them. Everytime he does this she says “ Chris my dolls don’t need to be rusty unlike your shoes” she always says to him harshly and walked out of the room. She keeps on using her moms money to buy her fancy shmancy dolls at the store or online. Then a month later she has to buy more because Chris ,her evil brother, keeps on stepping on them. She knows Chris is doing this on purpose, although her Mom said she was overreacting but she wasn’t. So she went to spy on Chris and saw he was chatting with his friends Kat and Edwin, she rolled her eyes and got a headphone with a microphone attached so she can hear the conversation and she heard “i’m going to her room to step on her dolls i’ll show you an episode of Steppy Dolly”  Chris said laughing. Then Angel came out saying “ put your rusty hand in the air” she screamed.  Chris, Edwin, and Kat all looked at Angel and said different things at the same time. Then Angel yelped “ STOP, why do you step on my fancy shmancy dolls all three of you” she said while yanking their shirts. They responded “it’s funny to see you get mad” but then feeling guilty they quickly changed their answers and said “we’re sorry we just got carried away what can we do to make it up to you”they said. Then Angela made a smirk and called her friends Bun-Bun and Citty to makeover their terrible brothers and went to show their Moms and said “ look at our FANCY SHMANCY DOLLYS MOM” they screamed.

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