Kat and his Inventions

Kat has always been into inventions but his sister isn’t. But one day kat started a invention club which no one came. He tried again  and again till he heard noise in his sisters ADVENTURE club but when he went over there all the kids grabbed up their drawing adventure books and left. When he tried improving his club name it didn’t work so he improved it more and more and more. Till it looked like a tall tower and in a few days from putting cardboard and twigs and bricks and kids did come over, to bring it to Cittys place and broke it from adventure. On another boring saturday in the hot sun making signs one of his signs touched the sun and came tumbling down and when it came the adventure club asked him for a WACKY GIZMO from him and he made a ice block for them to whack the fire with. Now Kat is rich of these kids.

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