Brittany, Mike, Haley, and Andy’s Summer

Brittany and Mike just got out of school and they already miss it because over this summer BIG SISTER Brittany has to babysit her brother because their parents, uncle and aunt are leaving for the summer for vacay so Brittany has to look over her snooty cousins Haley and Andy. As soon as they got there they asked where’s our room where’s our room. Brittany looked over at Mike, he rolled his eyes and said “I’ll show you your room”. The next morning Brittany woke up and said “what are you guys doing???” Andy said “ well we got bored and thought we’d wait for you to wake up” ,“ok, but don’t do it again. People need personal space. Like right now I’m going to clean up” said Brittany as she got up. As soon as she got in the bathroom a shriek woke her up “WHAT ARE YOU DOING” Brittany said staring at Mike in her bathroom with toothpaste on his face. “Madame Mousiel can I take your order” he snorted. So in Haleys room, she was just getting ready for a hike, nothing wrong with going on a hike when it’s 200 degrees outside. Then in the middle of her pose the boys came snorting “ Not like you hoots know fashion” she snorted. In the distance screamed “you guys you wanna spend your summer in the heat or what” screamed Brittany. They all screamed back in response “yes please”!!! As soon as they came outside they saw that Brittany was standing by her car that looked like she just cleaned it. “Hop in” said Brittany. Mike was sorta scared. He told his cousins that she just learned to drive and a grown-up had to sit next to her so she’s basically a stunt driver but instead of agreeing to Mike, Haley and Andy said “drive to breaky” they chanted. Mike wished he had smarter cousins. But instead of breaky the chanting stopped when she drove off to somewhere else to the BLD play area. They looked at her like this place is close till winter, which it was but as soon as she turned it was the BLD  summer area for dangerous adventures. They all ran out of the car as soon as she parked. They stayed there till after dinner. Then when they were finished Andy was so happy because he ate so much sweets he passed out and slept . Haley had cuts all over her leg. Mike took food with him to eat in the car which every time he farted Brittany had to flop down the windows. At the house everyone went to sleep except for Brittany ‘cause she had to clean Mikes toothpaste restaurant. Their summer was double the fun with their cousins!!

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