Armada and her seriousness

Armada is a soldier in training but she has to be a normal kid to. Armada always rushed her life. Like in the hospital she rushed to get into her house for the first time, saying her first words, and walking. Armada gets straight a’s in her classes. Armada is having a hard time with interacting with other kids because she only talks to the teacher and always has no time for fun and games. Everytime at home, when she eats dinner and is either just eating or on her homework but her sister is different. Sometimes people think Armada and her sister Lenny are not related. One is embarrassing and the other is one to brag about. But one day that all changed because this other smart girl started asking her questions and later Armada opened up to her and now she is not just strict she is also very nice to play with!  

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