Isabelle’s Summer Underwater Adventure

Once there was a girl named Isabelle and she went on a summer underwater adventure! There was an underwater monkey named CooCoo. Coocoo said “do you want to have an adventure with me”, I said “yes!” So Coocoo said, do you want to go to my house and drink coconut water. Then I said “yeah” I would love to! So we went deep under the ocean to play at the playground.

There was a not so nice jellyfish and we tried to get rid of it but we could not because we forgot our ropes! “Oh no” We forgot our ropes, I said. Coocoo said “just listen carefully…” I could use my long monkey tail!. Then, Coocoo and I passed the jellyfish by tying Coocoo’s tail to the rock. Coocoo’s tail to the rescue. “Hooray” we said and we laughed but the jellyfish brought more friends to block us. We can go back to your house Coocoo to ask your mom to use her bubble blower, I said “Great idea” said CooCoo. But we cheered quietly and tiptoed to Coocoo’s house. We asked Coocoo’s mom politely to borrow her bubble blower, Coocoo’s mom said to bring it back because she was bubble blowing the floor. Coocoo and I went back to the playground and saw those mean jellyfish. Argh, those jellyfish make me so mad!! Coocoo says angrily. I said, Calm Down CooCoo, we’ll get through this together. Now we just have to lure them out of the park. That is a great Idea!! Said CooCoo.

First, we make a trail of bubbles. Then, we make the trail to a big kid park. And lastly we go to our little kid park. So they did exactly what the plan had said the jellyfish and her friends curiously followed the bubbles and saw a new park just for them and then the little kids had their park again and Isabelle and CooCoo played happily in their…LITTLE KID PARK JUST FOR THEM !

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